Viewing Message
1. A notification will be sent to the user’s email alerting of a new message in the DCI Portal
2. Users can click on the link in the message to access the login page for DCI
Navigate to the DCI Web Portal or use the link in previous step
4. Enter Employee Username and Password
• Credentials provided by Acumen
5. Utilize Forgot Password link if necessary
• Contact your Acumen Agent with any login issues
6. Select Sign In
7. In the upper right-hand corner, click on the envelope icon
8. Select See All Messages
9. Click on the message you want to review
1. Upon opening the message, Click on the Attachments tab to load the attachment.
2. Select the eyeball to view the attachment
3. Select the download arrow to download the attached statement
Paystubs/W2 (Employee)
• Employees (including compensated caregivers) who use direct deposit/Money Market pay
card for their paychecks will only retrieve electronic paystubs in their secure message
center on DCI messaging
• DCI messaging is secure
• If you currently receive paper paychecks, you will continue to receive paystubs attached to your paychecks in the mail
• Well Fargo: You are now able to retrieve paystubs from the DCI Messaging Portal, no longer need to use separate Wells Fargo site
• Hawaii: You will continue to receive direct deposit and paper paystubs by mail, in addition to the copy in the DCI Messaging
• Alabama: Reach out to your previous Fiscal Management Service (FMS) for your 2023 W2s
Account Statements (Employer)
• To provide enhanced privacy and security, Acumen Inc. has activated a new feature in DCI for
• DCI Messaging for Account Statements notifies users when the account statement has been
generated and is available for review.
• Additionally, the messaging feature will allow users the ability to maintain, delete or archive their
• Archiving messages provides the ability to save previous messages and attachments for record
Archive/Delete Message
To help manage the messaging Inbox, users have the ability to Archive or Delete the current or previous messages. If the message is archived, the user will be able to view the message(s) again. However, if the message is Deleted it will be moved to the Trash section and will only be able for a limited amount of time.
1. Select the message to be archived/deleted
2. Click the Archive button to archive the message
• Click the Delete button to delete the message
3. The system will alert the user to confirm the choice selected (delete or archive)
4. Select Yes to confirm
Confirmation that the message has been Archived or Deleted will appear in green on the Inbox page.
Accessing Deleted Message
1. Select Trash on the left side of the DCI Messaging Center
2. All Deleted messages will appear on the screen, to select the message needed,
simply click on the message
3. Upon opening the message, Click on the Attachments tab to load the attachment.
4. Select the eyeball to view the attachment
5. Select the download arrow to download the attached statement